The Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law welcomes manuscripts on international and comparative law and related disciplines (including Tribal and Indigenous Law). The Journal accepts submissions for all three of its issues. Submission requirements are as follows:
- Authors must currently hold a Juris Doctor (or equivalent) degree. No student submission will be accepted.
- Submissions are accepted either (1) electronically (via ExpressO or e-mail) or (2) by regular mail.
- AJICL prefers submissions via Scholastica: https://arizonajournal.scholasticahq.com/
- AJICL will continue to accept submissions through ExpressO until further notice: www.law.bepress.com/expresso
- Electronic submissions may also be sent directly to ajicl.sae@gmail.com and must be in Word format (no WordPerfect accepted).
- Mailed submissions (only 1 copy needed) must be sent to:
The Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law
James E. Rogers College of Law
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0176 - Submissions should be double spaced with single-spaced or double-spaced footnotes.
- Submissions should be accompanied by a résumé/C.V. and a cover letter.
- Citations should conform to The Bluebook, A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015).
- We regret that we can return only those manuscripts for which we receive postage and handling fees.
- Upon accepting an offer of publication from AJICL, submissions of the same article to other publications must be withdrawn.
- Authors are permitted and encouraged to make their articles available on SSRN and other similar online academic repositories for non-commercial purposes prior to publication. However, once an offer of publication from AJICL is accepted, authors must indicate on any such database that the piece is forthcoming in the specific issue of AJICL for which publication has been agreed. Articles published by AJICL and available on SSRN or other academic repositories may not be published or reprinted elsewhere without the permission of AJICL. Upon publication, acknowledgement of AJICL and a suggested citation to the specific AJICL issue must be included online along with the piece, pursuant to the following format:
Gantz, D. A. & Bhala, R. (2006). WTO case review 2005. Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, 23(2), 107-345.
Inquiries regarding submitted manuscripts may be directed to the Senior Articles Editor by email or by phone at (520) 621-5593.
Symposium Issue
The Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law may opt yearly to publish a symposium issue. These issues usually include papers submitted at a conference related to international or comparative law. If you are involved in a conference that may be interested in being published by the Journal, please contact the Senior Articles Editor at by email or by phone (520) 621-5593.